30 In the olden days -- you know, before my name ceased to be "Nicole" and morphed into "muuuuuuum" I recall a friend telling me she was so busy with her baby she didn't get to go to the bathroom.
Say what?
I mean, a bathroom break takes an average of 32 seconds, right? Surely one could not be so entirely consumed with their baby that they could not take a brief interlude to go to the bathroom whenever the need struck.... could they?
And of course once I had a baby of my own I understood. Or I thought I did. But yesterday I got a reality check and realised I knew nothing about estimating the damage that can be done in the time it takes for one little bathroom-break.
Folks, yesterday I got punkd! By my own son!
I left my children in the general vicinity of the kitchen and was in the bathroom for no longer than 30 seconds. As I wandered out, my daughter was screaming "
muuuum! Bubby's got the butter!"
why bathroom breaks are a luxury, not a right... |
30 seconds, folks!
Sonny was 'doing his hair' with 'product'... which is fine except that
I prefer to use it on my toast rather than as a styling tool... With no idea what to do first and butter spreading its way throughout my house I
scraped scooped up said child and plonked him in the highchair.
You can see by the pictorial evidence above how excited sonny-boy was to be in the highchair at this point. But let me show you again :
Yep. You're seeing that, I'm sure.
But what you can't see is just how excited I was to be home alone in this situation. Super, super excited. Especially because I had nothing else to do at the time..... natch.
After snapping a few shots as 'evidence' I rang husband to enquire as to his whereabouts. Saturday is a work day and I knew it would be borderline home-time. By some stroke of good fortune, husband was two minutes away. Which is just as well because sonny might well have spent the whole night in the highchair until I found backup.
Oh, this will be a story for the 21st.
And a valuable lesson has been learnt:
1. Never EVER leave sonny unattended for any reason. Ever. At all.
2. Never EVER leave any dairy product unattended for any reason. Ever. At all.
3. Never EVER go to the bathroom while sonny is awake without tethering him to the bedpost first. Ever. At all.
What valuable lesson have YOU learnt of late? Oh do share, how can I share all the 'fun' to myself?