I think I might be one of the only mummies in my circle of friends who does NOT own the Ikea Antilop highchair. And admittedly, at the ridiculously scandalous price of $39.99 I am bemused as to why I didn't join the throng and get one too! Simple, practical and quasi-stylish, there's not a lot wrong with this highchair. Well.... there are a FEW things which turned me off, including:
- The fact that it's from Ikea. (need I explain?)... the tedious drive. The parking debauchery. The queues. The squealing children. Those hideous meatballs. The fact that even though you went for one $39.99 highchair you leave $995 poorer with a trolley full of plastic love-heart ice cube trays, 7 million square shaped photo frames, a rice paper lamp and the entire Expedit shelving range...
- My concern about the chair's sturdiness; it being plastic.
- The fact that it's from Ikea

Ok ok, my reasoning may seem a little lame. The truth is, I was seduced instore by the tantalising lure of a wooden designer chair I could tuck into the table. It promised to grow with my child and best of all... it came in a dazzling array of colours. That you could design and play with different options yourself online. Kind of like the Bugaboo pram, which I also was seduced into buying. But that's another story. Anyway, Naomi Watts had one, dammit! Before I checked the pricetag I assured myself it was the ONLY option and laid down my credit card. What was this said highchair, you ask? I'll tell you in a sec. But first, I can't resist sharing this highchair cover I found on Made It; if you have the Ikea chair, surely its a must-have!

Isn't that cute/ kitch?! Anyway, back to my chosen highchair.
It's this one: the Stokke Tripp Trapp.

Admittedly, my relationship with this highchair got off to a rocky start when I unpacked and went to set it up around the the 6-month mark for Ferns first rice cereal slop meal. At the hefty pricetag of $390 I kinda expected the chair to come equipped with everything I would need. Alas, the 'baby set' - the part that attaches across the front and the plastic chair backing was an added extra, setting me back another $80. grrr. The range of comfy cushions would no doubt make mealtimes extra plush... but that is ANOTHER $80 and poor Fern got a rolled up towel until she was big enough to fill the seat herself. Don't get me wrong; it is a good chair: it tucks beautifully into the kitchen table, is minimalist, easy to clean, sturdy and will no doubt grow with Fern over the coming years. Plus, mine is white and pink which makes me smiley and happy. But I have noticed a few sneaky ripoffs sneaking into the baby stores of late (even Aldi had one!) and no doubt you can now buy one almost identical for half the price. Never mind...
I'll leave you with this charming image of Fern in her Tripp Trapp, she was about 7 months old and sampling Lovely Lentils for the first time. Months later, I'm still scrubbing lentils off the floor..
What highchair do you use? Are you happy with it? Did you get seduced with looks over practicality?? Please share!
Hahaha ..your a funny one..your description of a scenario visit to Ikea is pretty much down pat...but thankfully..they are open till 9pm on weekdays...a TOTALLY different shopping experience let me assure you...no crowds, qeues, screaming kids...or smell of meatballs...was a very pleasant shop.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit..I purchased the Antilop for my little Jacq and if you want the tray..which of course you do..its an extra $9.95.
For what it is..and how much it cost I think its pretty good. To be honest..I was really put off at the ridiculous prices of so many highchairs out there...and some were down right ugly and looked like space machines rather than a high chair. I made the decision to go with the Antilop after quite a few mothers at mothers group told me to not bother with spending a fortune on a high chair...once they eat they basically want to get out of it anyway..and so ..having said that ...thats exactly what I found with Jacq...he eats..and then its let me out mummy..I want to play.
We have taken it away with us on holidays ..its super light and the legs pull out..I also love the fact that it doesnt take up so much floor space..so for now its doing the job and has saved us spending a fortune.
I love the cushion youve posted for one..very cute indeed! Ikea do sell a striped padded cushion for the Antilop aswell..but its just another thing you have to pull off and wash...and again..my little Jacq isnt in it long enough to worry about comfort too much he sits snug in it...and soon he will want to sit at the table in a big persons chair..and so then..its the booster seats you will have to think about buying...its never ending ; /
I have the Bugaboo {we got it as a gift - yay}, and I wanted the Tripp Trapp, but I have the Ikea one. The good thing is she doesn't use it anymore and it's stored away out of sight!
ReplyDeleteI love that cover though. Perhaps for the next baby. x
Such a great post!!! I really like your blog which I just stumbled across recently.
ReplyDeleteWe were given two highchairs from my sister-in-law. One is a big fancy Chicco high chair the other a 'clip onto the table top' type of one. I love the table one as I can put it on our breakfast bar, outdoor table, dining table and it folds flat for travel.
I must say I really love the Stokke high chair. I've used it at a friends house and its probably the only high chair Will hasn't fussed about being in!
I also went for the bugaboo pram and haven't looked back - got the Bee and LOVE IT!
But as Anna said the buying is never ending isn't it! Janette x
We have the lovely Bugaboo too and I love everything about it. If the Bee was out when I was buying I probably would have ended up with that!
ReplyDeleteWe have the Antilop and love it. It's actually quite sturdy, oh so easy to clean and is doing well now that baby number 2 is using it a lot. It's really easy to move about, we even took it to relatives house for Chrissy as you can pull the legs off, and doesn't take up loads of space. I hated all the high chairs at baby stores. So padded and way too much plastic and vinyl for my liking.
We also had a travel chair that clipped on to anything which was great. We had it on our dining table in our unit and when we moved house it went onto the breakfast bar. Super handy, easy to travel with and easy to hide away!
I loved the idea of the Stokke chair too and how it could fit at our dining table neatly but ended up going with another basic high chair only to bring it home and have my husband set it up to find I hated it - it was so big and bulky and poor Grace looked so swamped by the huge plastic tray and padding. So...back it went and I went out and got the good old IKEA one. It's been fantastic so far, easy to clean, light and not too hideous looking. My only worry is that Grace has starting pulling her little legs up like she wants to climb out so will have to watch that one!! Like Anna said, we've also found it brilliant for travelling and whenever we've been away, it's joined us. Love the photo of Fern and her lentil experience!!!
ReplyDeleteHilarious! I was laughing all the way through this post. It's amazing what we'll buy for our kids!
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole:) Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and for your very lovely comment! I have 3 girls 14yrs, 10yrs and 3 yrs, we had a Peg Perego high chair for the older two and then gave that away when we thought we couldn't have any more children. With our miracle third bub (now 3yrs and no longer in a high chair) we just bought the Target version of the Peg Perego, and it was on sale, even better! All our friends seem to have the Ikea ones though. Loving your blog! Have a lovely day - Tina.