Monday, November 1, 2010

DIY Fabric Notice Board!

Here's a little something I whipped up over the weekend... a fabric noticeboard! It was super easy to do; the hardest part was negotiating Spotlight for the materials with a baby strapped to my front and a toddler on the loose intent on stealing glow-in-the-dark pink wigs!

I've wanted to make a fabric board for ages; its just the spot to display party invitations, bills, vouchers, cards, shopping lists and so on and on!

You can use a corkboard for this project, but I chose an inexpensive art canvas instead as the whole thing is covered in wadding anyway. I bought a metre of fabric, 6m of ribbon (I ended up needing 20cm more and had to make a trip back - doh!) and a bag of wadding.

Basically, you just stretch the wadding and fabric over the canvas and staple it into place on the back, folding the corners as you would do a Christmas pressie. Then, starting at each horizontal you stretch and staple the ribbon on the back of the canvas. I have often seen these boards with a button or pin stuck onto each ribbon junction which holds the ribbons firmly in place, but I didn't bother. I like mine just the way is! There are plenty of more elaborate tutorials out there if you are interested in making one, like this one. And wouldn't it make a fabulous gift? Now I've made one, I want to make lots and give them away! 

I showed my creation to my husband and his comment was... "it's very bright?!"

Is it too bright?

Have a lovely week... do visit back, I have lots going on that I want to share!!


  1. Is that fabric from spotlight? it's really cute. I don't think it's too bright. Good idea for a present too.

  2. Looks great. I don't think it's too bright :) And I would be thrilled to receive one of these as a gift!

  3. Looks great Nicole - love the fabric! (and I laughed about Fern trying to steal the pink wigs!!) :)

  4. looks great Nicole.. i love it. xx


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