For too long mine have shoved unglamorously in jam jars, the kids Easter-hunt buckets, old fruit bowls (I'm serious) and in pencil cases from the 1980's.
Not any more. Over the weekend I whipped me up a pencil storer, and it cost me nothing more than half an hour of my time.
Want to make one yourself? You really don't need instructions... but in case you think you do:
You need:
- A container of some sort: an old tin, jar or (in my case!) can of drinking chocolate - yum!
- A hot glue gun or good craft glue
- Fabric
- Scirssors
- Other embellishments as you see fit!
- Place your vessel on the wrong side of the fabric and roll fabric around, fixing with glue (leave a little overhang
- Trim overhang with zig-zag scissors if you have them and glue down so you have a nice finish.
- Trim overhang on either end, leaving a little to tuck under and glue down.
- See how easy this is?
- Decorate with wilful abandon!
Have fun and do share your pencil-holding-work-of-art should you make one!

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Hello - oh write me a little note - do! do! Your comments really brighten my day and its nice to know Im not alone out there in cyber space ! x