Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lost in Translation

Ok, so almost all of us have typed our own name into Google at least once, whether we would admit to it or not, right? I take a macabre sort of pleasure in knowing there are 278,000 articles with my name in them, even though I know around 277,997 of them don't relate to me personally at all.

Today, I went one step further and typed my blog details in, just to see what came up. I discovered a strange reference to a site I didn't recognise. Intrigued, I probed further and discovered the following website, written in a language I think (though I am far from multilingual and can only guess) is German: 

I then discovered a very fun interpreting website, which translates one language into another. It turns out that this...

ein schönes babyzimmer, das auf den ersten blick ungeplant aussieht und scheinbar keinen gestaltungsgrundsatz folgt. trotzdem entwickelt es einen ungeheuren charme und strahlt unglaublich viel wärme und geborgenheit aus.

translates to this...

a beautiful baby room, which looks at first glance unplanned and apparently follow no principle of design. Nevertheless, it develops a tremendous charm and exudes an incredible amount of warmth and comfort from.

The site then links back to the pics of Fern's nursery on my blog! I don't know whether to be flattered that Fern's nursery has found its way onto a German children's design website... or slightly perturbed that the room is "unplanned and apparently follow no principle of design." I think I'll go with the former.

Regardless, there are some really sweet nursery pics on the site that require no language skills to appreciate. Here are a couple of my faves:

Hallo Deutschland!

1 comment:

  1. hallo australia!

    sehr gerne. ich lese diesen blog regelmässig. er ist sehr anheimelnd.

    viele grüsse an`s andere ende der welt.



Hello - oh write me a little note - do! do! Your comments really brighten my day and its nice to know Im not alone out there in cyber space ! x